
Showing posts from July, 2018

For a Safe weight loss try the Gen 1:29 diet (Part 1)

With so many quick-fix diets and fads offered to us by the mass media promising to be the next best thing to bring about an effective and safe weight loss, it is no wonder the public is left confused as to which one to choose. Sadly, this permits for exploitation from the many marketers and charlatans out to make a fast buck at the expense of the vulnerable.  Even the so-called natural approaches for safe weight loss solutions are unrealistic, impractical and often pricey or are just the same one-dimensional gimmick cures disguised as holistic solutions. This leads one to conclude that we must go back to the basics when eating not only for weight loss but for better health. Today science has verified the accuracy of the Biblical accounts of the dietetic habits of the first men on earth as recorded in Genesis 1:29: "Every herb bearing seed...and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed, to you it shall be for meat." Obviously, this leads one to co