
Showing posts from August, 2017

Foods For Colon Cleanse

Cleaning your body through a colon cleanse program can help in weight loss and regain good health. If you are undergoing a colon cleanse, junk foods will not definitely help in the process because these kinds of food are one of the main reasons why people need to cleanse. Eating unhealthy foods during the colon cleansing procedure can stop the whole process and can even cause stomach ache, cramps, and drowsiness. There are different kinds of food that can clean your colon and there are also foods that do the opposite work. These foods will clog, irritate and even cause harmful effects in the body. You should keep in mind that the more you eat, the less you cleanse. Foods that can clean your colon will be easy for digestion and will give your body energy to break down and destroy wastes. If you are really interested to clean your body, you need to eat the right kinds of food such as the following: 1. Fresh vegetable and fruit juices Fresh vegetables and fruits will

Poor Nutrition and Its Impact on Psychological and Sexual Health

Promoting sexual health is not just a matter of good hygiene or preventing infectious diseases that undermine one's sexual health. It also entails having a good and balanced diet. Good food allows the body to acquire various nutrients that are needed by the internal organs to function well. Even the skin is rejuvenated through the consumption of nutritious meals and water. The lack of a balanced, nutritious diet could possibly expose a person to several physiological problems. Women, for example, could experience irregular periods or even totally miss several periods due to overeating and over-exercise. Amenorrhea, or the absence of menstrual periods, is even welcomed by young women because they are pleased that they no longer need to use a tampon or sanitary napkin. However, what is not often realized by these women is that missing menstrual periods may already be a sign of decreased estrogen levels. Low estrogen levels, as well as over-training, can lead to osteoporo

Severe Obesity in Adults: Weight Loss Treatment and Tips

Hello, Severe obesity is a serious medical condition experienced by people with a body mass index of 40 or above. Previously called morbid obesity, it affects an estimated six million American adults or about 1 in 33 of the adult population. Associated with a range of complex metabolic disorders including type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance syndrome and raised blood-fats, plus other weight-related health problems, this condition should not be confused with overweight (BMI > 25) or regular obesity (BMI > 30). It is a serious disease requiring professional help. Since I started my weight loss consultancy over 24 years ago, I have met and spoken at length with hundreds of severely obese individuals weighing 300 pounds or more. For most of them, their weight was a major source of discomfort - both physical and emotional - yet over the years most had "adapted" to their growing waistline and were resigned to remaining seriously overweight for the rest of their life.

How to introduce healthy food to your family

How to Stay Healthy? A simple and very effective solution how to introduce healthy food to your family If 10 years ago somebody would have told me that fruits are very healthy....... Healthy for every day eating as an excellent source of vitamins.... And even necessary - eating fruits is A MUST as a natural medicine for the human body.... I would have replied: "Yes, indeed! I know this very well! I love fruits and eat fruits every day!" But with age (as early as after 25 years old) I began to develop problems of health: BIG problems - that brought with them many troubles, sleepless nights and worrying headaches. As well as small problems that obviously decrease my work productivity made me less outgoing and rip me off for many hours of enjoying the good state of physical health when everything was OK. In general, all these health problems took lots of my time and money... Until I realized the simple secret that......... Even during all my adult life, I never

Top 8 Nutrition Myths You've Been Taught To Believe

Don't always believe what you hear- especially when it comes to your health. Here's some nutrition myths we were taught to follow, and according to the experts, we shouldn't have listened to. Sugar Causes Diabetes So far, a diet high in calories, being overweight, and an inactive lifestyle are the main risk factors for Type 2 diabetes. All Fats are bad The key is to replace bad fats (saturated fats and trans fats) with good fats (monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats) in our diet. Brown Sugar is better than White Sugar Unless you eat a gigantic portion of brown sugar every day - the mineral content difference between brown sugar and white sugar is absolutely insignificant. Brown Eggs are more nutritious than White Eggs Eggshell color can vary, but it has nothing to do with the qualithttp://marketerman17.2weekdiet.hop.clickbank.nety, flavor, nutritive value, cooking characteristics or shell

Eating Vegetarian For Life

Vegans VS Meat-Eaters Who Will Live Longer? Becoming a vegetarian is a frightening thought for most people of the western world. We have become so used to having a serving of dead animal on our plates and without it, we would feel that we have not eaten. With the rising rate of death associated with heart disease being what it is, we all may want to at least consider the thought of meatless meals. Or at least we should try skipping a day or two every now and then for our heart's sake. Vegetarianism is growing ever more popular among westerners. The health benefits associated with meatless eating clearly outweighs cutting back part time on your intake. Just the fact that you will not be consuming large amounts of artery-clogging animal fat is a great reason to quit. Saturated fat filled foods are the leading cause of heart disease, which kills 500, 000 people every year in America. Eating a plant based diet means you will be eating a ton of fiber in your diet. Easier

Considerations of a Vegetarian Diet

Our society is set up to regard meat eating as the 'norm'. Those people who choose a vegetarian diet are often thought of as difficult, 'trying to be different' or just odd. A common nutritional fallacy is that meat and animal products must be consumed in order to maintain a well-balanced, healthy diet. Many people these days are finding out the many health benefits of a vegetarian diet. Additionally, many physicians and nutritionists are prescribing and endorsing plant-based meals in order to promote health, prevent and treat certain diseases, and even to reduce weight. There are many products now becoming available in shops and supermarkets that contain health enhancing plant extracts. These are mixed in yogurts, spreads, and cheeses, to specifically lower cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure, enhance energy levels and boost immune systems. Who knows what other benefits are just around the corner in plant extracts. Although vegetarianism may seem